Management user accounts

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NoTouch Center by default comes with a user account named "admin" and for smaller organisations this is perfectly fine. However, you might want to create different user accounts to separate responsibilities. NoTouch Center allows to create local users (local referring to NoTouch Center instance) or use LDAP/Active Directory accounts.

Note: This is not about your end users. It is solely about people who administer your NoTouch infrastructure, i.e. people who work in NoTouch Center to manage/configure/update/etc. endpoints.

The user accounts module

By clicking on the "User Accounts" icon on the upper right corner, you activate the NoTouch Center admin users management module.


Creating user accounts

  1. Inside the User Accounts module, click on the "Create User" tab button
  2. Fill out the form:
    • Username. Desired user name.
    • Fullname. Full name of the user.
    • Password. An initial password.
    • Security level. The security level refers to the actual "role" this account will have:
      • Administrator. The highest level, all privileges, like the builtin admin account.
      • Group administrator. Similar to Administrator, but may be restricted to certain client groups.
      • Helpdesk. Can only view the client hierarchy, identify and shadowing but not change the configuration.

Assign rights to group administrators

As an administrator type user you may assign read and write permissions to group administrators. Simply click on the group and then select the "Acl" tab. The form will allow you to select the appropriate permissions and assign them to the user.

Creating a role

If you are unsatisfied with the builtin roles (as described above), you may create your own role and assign it to user accounts. When creating a role, you can chose from several permission that you can choose to assign or not assign.